Manuel Staub

Bachelor of Engeneering Medieninformatik HS Esslingen
Selbständig manu Alpaca services
Herd Manager Alpakas vom Ellertal
Zucht Harmony Alpacas
Autor bei Allespaka
Staff Member Alpakaschau
Int. Alpaka Photoshow

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About me

My name is Manuel Staub and I was born in Landsberg am Lech in 1999. After graduating from secondary school in Kaufering in 2016, I graduated from high school in 2018 in the technical branch of the Landsberg technical college. I am currently studying media informatics at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. As a result, I have acquired a lot of knowledge in the area of ​​media creation, design and its implementation in websites. I had a strong connection to the media much earlier. In the 3rd grade I started with photography, in the 5th grade I mainly focused on design and a few years later filming and editing.

Manu alpaka
manu alpaka Alpakaschau , alpaka fotoshow

Alpakas habe ich zurzeit meines Studiums auf einer Farm kennen, züchten, halten und leben gelernt. Ich verbringe jede freie Minute mit Selbststudium, auf Farmen, auf Shows und auf der Farm meiner Schwiegereltern in Spe. Hier manage ich größtenteils die Zucht und betreue die Website. Mittlerweile  habe ich gemeinsam mit meiner Freundin eine kleine, eigene Zucht.  Meine erste Website habe ich zu Beginn meines Studiums erstellt und habe diese Skills im Laufe meines Studiums erweitert und verbessert.

Project Photoshow

The project was started by me and published by Alpaka Marketing GbR (Allespaka). The first show took place successfully with over 300 photos sent in. Therefore the project will be continued and there will be an International Alpaca Photoshow again this year. 


342 submitted pictures
4600 people voted for the audience favorite.


People from 11 different countries have sent in photos.


All categories were judged online by selected judges.


There were prizes such as ribbons in the categories and trophies to be won as special prizes.


Die Allespaka ist eine der größten Alpaka Fachzeitschriften, für die ich regelmäßig Artikel auf Wunsch der Redaktion schreibe.

Manu Alpaca Services
Leonhardistraße 9 c
86916 Kaufering

0173 5188499

manu alpaka vliesbilder alpaka beratung websiten

Manu Alpaca Services
Leonhardistraße 9 c
86916 Kaufering

0173 5188499